CONTACTS INFO AND CONTACTS ENTE BACINI S.r.l.Via al Molo Giano snc16128 GENOVA – PortoITALY Contacts:Phone: +39 010 2461209 / +39 010 2461184Telefax: +39 010 2461202Email: info@entebacinigenova.itPEC: Info:Cod. Fisc. e Part. IVA 00263800104Cap. Soc. Euro 1.071.211,00 i.v. C.C.I.A.A. 2494 – Iscritta al n. 7567 – Reg. Impr. Trib. di Genova Contact us: First Name Last Name Email Message Submit MessageThe message was sent successfully!There were errors in the transmission of the message. Please double-check all fields in the form. PRIVACY POLICY Location How to reach us